At K12jobsNJ, Wilkin Santana and his staff focus on connecting talent with employers in the education industry, specifically filling New Jersey K-12 education vacancies with highly-qualified and diverse candidates. They don’t only handle teaching jobs, either. Come to the site for support and administrative positions, security, coaching, and more. Job seekers are able to view all New Jersey educational job openings in one place. This leads to jobs being seen and filled faster and employers spending less time actively looking for employees. What sets K12jobsNJ apart from the myriad other educational job sites out there is that they focus on diversity; they advertise in non-traditional venues so they can reach candidates who may end up excluded from accessing more mainstream job postings.
K12jobsNJ is educator-owned with a bilingual staff, and they accept job postings from public and private schools alike. Job posting for schools is fee-based, and there are four plans available: one job for $99, five jobs for $499, unlimited jobs in an under-500-employee district on a $3999 yearly subscription, and an identical yearly subscription for districts with 501+ employees for $5999. Purchasing and publishing an ad automatically triggers a website update and an email to their job-seeking subscribers.
K12jobsNJ’s staff know that school districts need more than just a few resumes to fill vacancies. With more candidates for job openings, the greater likelihood that you find the best possible candidate for your open position while also meeting a need for highly qualified and diverse candidates. As far as job seekers are concerned, all K12jobsNJ services are free. You don’t have to pay for job searches, applications, or even their extensive career advice section. They are adamantly not like other job boards, offering candidates help with networking, resume writing, interviewing techniques, career advice, and more. K12jobsNJ is truly invested in helping everyone find the right education job to meet their personal needs and wants. Helping diverse populations find their dream education jobs is not just K12jobsNJ’s passion, it is a calling. Matching employers with prospective employees and seeing those employees thrive is truly a gift.
If you are a district or private school with job openings, visit the job posting page to get your listing started. Job seekers are welcome to view job listings or go to the career advice section for job searching assistance, advice, and help. Curious or want to learn more about K12jobsNJ? Visit their website for more information, details about finding or posting jobs, and more.